YTD: 23.0%
Performance YTD result is an estimated percentage based on a model account and may not be performance of your account.
As Of: 12/31/2024
Market Exposure
  • Equity
Large-Cap Core

Large-Cap Core is a long-term growth strategy focused on capital appreciation. In combination with a proprietary stock-scoring system, the strategy seeks stocks traditionally known as “blue-chips.” Blue chip companies are typically large, commonly known, financially sound, and have operated for many years. They tend to meet an economic need, boast a strong competitive advantage and have a long history of profitability.

Date Update
January 1, 2019

What is your outlook for the U.S. equity market for 2019?

Our global tactical asset allocation (GTAA) model still signals a relatively bullish outlook for the U.S. equities. Strong readings in sentiment and valuation indicators outweigh weaker technicals and recent price pullbacks. 

In 2018, the U.S. economy enjoyed a banner year with real GDP annual growth rate on track to increase by close to 3%, which is the strongest gain of the nearly decade-long expansion. We believe the deficit-financed tax cuts and government spending increases will continue to help the economy grow much of next year. We also expect the labor market to continue to grow and unemployment to stay low by historical standards. 

Despite these positive signals, we do recognize some possibilities of weakness moving forward. The stimulus effect might fade and put downward pressure on the market in the longer term and diminishing labor supply might result in gradually decreasing prices. The ceasefire between the U.S. and China may indicate that the worst of the escalations are behind us. However, the trade tension remains and might contribute to equity volatility. We do expect some market volatility to continue through 2019 despite our model indicating that the odds of a near-term recession remain relatively low.