YTD: 8.9%
Performance YTD result is an estimated percentage based on a model account and may not be performance of your account.
As Of: 09/30/2024
Market Exposure
Dynamic Hedged Equity: SRI

SRI is a socially responsible long-term tactical growth strategy focused on long-term capital appreciation. Socially responsible investing (SRI) avoids industries with generally negative impacts on society and seeks out companies that are pioneering in environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) operations. The strategy incorporates restrictions on these industries using third-party ESG analysis applied to our proprietary market outlook and stock scoring models. It invests in leading growth stocks during favorable equity environments and scales to cash to preserve gains when bear market risk is high. Adhering to a flexible investment mandate allows for allocation shifts that range between 0%-100% equities exposure.

Date Update
February 10, 2024